
After the initial setup, the plugin will automatically maintain in sync ActiveCampaign and Sylius resources thanks to Sylius’s resources events.

Channel events

The plugin listen for these channel events:


The first two will lead to a Connection Create/Update. The last one will lead to a Connection Remove.

Customer events

The plugin listen for these customer events:

  • sylius.customer.post_register
  • sylius.customer.post_create
  • sylius.customer.post_update
  • sylius.customer.post_delete

The first three will lead to a Contact/Ecommerce Customer Create/Update, a ContactTagsAdder and a ContactListsSubscriber. The last one will lead to a Contact/EcommerceCustomer Remove.

Ecommerce Order events

The plugin listen for these order events:

  • sylius.order.post_create
  • sylius.order.post_update
  • sylius.order.post_complete
  • sylius.order.post_delete

The first three will lead to a Ecommerce Order/Abandoned Cart Create/Update. The last one will lead to a Ecommerce Order/Abandoned Cart Remove. The EcommerceOrderEnqueuer will automatically check for order status. If the order is a cart or a order in state new or fulfilled it will create an EcommerceOrder Create or Update message. Otherwise, if the order state is canceled, it will create a EcommerceOrderRemove message and then remove the ActiveCampaign Ecommerce Order’s id on the Sylius order if it is present.