Receive automation webhooks

It may often be necessary to contact Sylius from ActiveCampaign during an automation. For example, think of the following scenario: at a particular moment a contact reaches a specific condition such that he can receive a coupon valid only for him, this coupon code must be sent to him via email by the automation itself.

ActiveCampaign provides the “Webhook: Post a contact data to a URL of your choice” action to achieve this. The plugin already has a route in place to receive this type of webhook, so use the URL (where obviously should be replaced with your shop domain) for that type of action. By default, when that route is invoked a Webgriffe\SyliusActiveCampaignPlugin\Message\Contact\ContactAutomationEvent type message will be dispatched to the messenger. Note! There is currently no message handler for this message, you have to create one yourself. Remember that the message will contain the ID of the Sylius client the automation was invoked for and the ID of the automation itself. This way, using the same URL, you can configure multiple different webhooks that do different things depending on which automation invoked it.

It is possible that a single automation may require different actions to be performed. To achieve this, we have included the parameters entered in the query string in the message body. This allows you to use the data to differentiate the behavior as needed. It is important to note that in such cases, the appropriate parameters must be inserted in the query string of the URL invoked by the automation webhook. For example: In this case, you will get in the payload the following array:

    'promotionCode' => 'WINTER_SALE',
    'promotionExpirationDate' => '2023-12-31',

An example of a message handler could be the following:



namespace App\MessageHandler;

use InvalidArgumentException;
use Sylius\Component\Core\Model\CustomerInterface;
use Sylius\Component\Core\Repository\CustomerRepositoryInterface;
use Webgriffe\SyliusActiveCampaignPlugin\Message\Contact\ContactAutomationEvent;

final class ContactAutomationEventHandler
    private const NEW_COUPON_AUTOMATION_ID = '1';

    public function __construct(
        private CustomerRepositoryInterface $customerRepository,
    ) {

    public function __invoke(ContactAutomationEvent $message): void
        $customerId = $message->getCustomerId();
        /** @var CustomerInterface|null $customer */
        $customer = $this->customerRepository->find($customerId);
        if ($customer === null) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Customer with id "%s" does not exists', $customerId));
        if ($message->getAutomationId() === self::NEW_COUPON_AUTOMATION_ID) {
            // Create new coupon for customer and cart promotion...

        if ($message->getAutomationId() === 'ANOTHER_AUTOMATION_ID') {
            // Do something else...


Dont’t forget to register the message handler as a service in your config/services.yaml file:

        class: App\MessageHandler\ContactAutomationEventHandler
            - '@sylius.repository.customer'
            - { name: messenger.message_handler }