Architecture & customization

This plugin makes use of Symfony Messenger component. It is highly recommended to have a minimum knowledge of these component to understand how this integration works.

This plugin has basically three entry points:

  • The UI admin import button, this will import only products
  • The Import CLI command, this will import both product, product associations and attribute options
  • The Webhook controller, this will import product and product associations when created/updated on Akeneo

These entry points deals to identify entities to import from Akeneo. When they have collected them they dispatch an Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\Message\ItemImport message on the messenger default bus. By default, in the configuration this message is handled by the main bus, the same bus used as default by Sylius for catalog promotions. This means that, if you have configured the main bus to run synchronously the import will be executed at the same time, otherwise it will be handled by the Messenger queue asynchronously. We suggest to run it asynchronously especially if you plan to run the import command manually infrequently or with option –all.

To be able to import entities (or even only different parts of each entity), the Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\MessageHandler\ItemImportHandler (the Messenger message handler) use an ** importer registry** which holds all the registered importers.

An importer is a service implementing the Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\ImporterInterface and that mainly holds the logic about how to import its Akeneo entities. If you want to import from Akeneo other entities not implemented in this plugin you have can implement your own importer. You can also replace an importer provided with this plugin by decorating or replacing its service definition.

To implement a new custom importer create a class which implements the Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\ImporterInterface:

// src/Importer/CustomImporter.php

namespace App\Importer;

use Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\ImporterInterface;

final class CustomImporter implements ImporterInterface
    // ...

Then define the importer with the webgriffe_sylius_akeneo.importer tag:

# config/services.yaml

    class: App\Importer\CustomImporter
        - { name: 'webgriffe_sylius_akeneo.importer' }

Anyway, this plugin already implement the following importers.

Product Importer

Akeneo is a PIM (Product Information Management) system so its job is to manage product data. For this reason, this Sylius Akeneo plugin is focused on importing products and provides a product importer (\Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\Product\Importer).

This product importer processes Akeneo product data through the following components:

Taxons resolver

A taxons resolver (Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\Product\TaxonsResolverInterface) which is responsible to return the list of Sylius taxons for a given Akeneo product. The provided implementation of the taxons resolver is the Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\Product\AlreadyExistingTaxonsResolver class which returns the already existent Sylius taxons which have the same code as the related Akeneo categories.

Product options resolver

A product options resolver (Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\Product\ProductOptionsResolverInterface) which is responsible to return the related Sylius’s product option(s) when the product being imported is part of a parent product model. The provided implementation of the product options resolver is the Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\Product\ProductOptionsResolver class, which returns already existing product options but also creates new ones if needed.

Channels resolver

A channels resolver (Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\Product\ChannelsResolverInterface) which is responsible to return the list of Sylius channels where the products should be enabled. The provided implementation of the channels’ resolver is the Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\Product\AllChannelsResolver class which simply enables the product in all available Sylius channels.

Status resolver

A status resolver (Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\Product\StatusResolverInterface) which is responsible to return the Sylius product status (enabled or disabled, true or false). The provided implementation of the status resolver is the Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\Product\StatusResolver which returns the same product status of the related Akeneo product, but only if this doesn’t belong to a parent product model, otherwise it will always return true (enabled). This is because in Sylius the product status is at product level and not (also) at product variant level; instead, in Akeneo the status is only at product level and not at product model level. So, in Akeneo, you could have only one disabled product variant for a parent product which have several other variants enabled. This situation can’t be mapped on Sylius at present.

Value handlers resolver

A value handlers resolver (Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\ValueHandlersResolverInterface) which is responsible to return a list of value handlers (Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\ValueHandlerInterface) for each Akeneo product attribute value.

The provided implementation of the value handlers resolver is the Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\PriorityValueHandlersResolver which returns, for each attribute value, the list of all the value handlers supporting that attribute value sorted by a priority. Each value handler returned by the resolver for a given attribute is then called to handle that value.

For more detail on how the Product importer works look at the code of the Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\Product\Importer::import() method.

Value handlers

By default, the provided Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\PriorityValueHandlersResolver is configured with value handlers specified in the webgriffe_sylius_akeneo.value_handlers.product array as explained in the configuration paragraph. This plugin already provides some value handler implementations that are:

  • Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\ValueHandler\AttributeValueHandler (type generic_attribute) it will automatically handle Sylius attributes whose attribute code matches Akeneo attribute code.
  • Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\ValueHandler\ChannelPricingValueHandler (type channel_pricing): it sets the value found on a given Akeneo price attribute (options.$akeneoAttribute) as the Sylius product’s channels price or original price for channels whose base currency is the price currency of the Akeneo price.
  • Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\ValueHandler\FileAttributeValueHandler (type file_attribute): it saves the file downloaded from the Akeneo file attribute (options.$akeneoAttributeCode) to the given destination path (options.$downloadPath).
  • Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\ValueHandler\GenericPropertyValueHandler (type generic_property): using the Symfony’s Property Access component, it sets the value found on a given Akeneo attribute (options.$akeneoAttributeCode) on a given property path (options.$propertyPath) of both product and product variant.
  • Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\ValueHandler\ImageValueHandler (type image): it downloads the image found on a given Akeneo image attribute (options.$akeneoAttributeCode) and sets it as a Sylius product image with a provided type string (options.$syliusImageType).
  • Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\ValueHandler\ImmutableSlugValueHandler (type immutable_slug): it slugifies the value found on a given Akeneo attribute (options.$akeneoAttributeToSlugify) and sets it on the Sylius slug product translation property.
  • Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\ValueHandler\MetricPropertyValueHandler (type metric_property) using the Symfony’s Property Access component, it sets the value found on a given Akeneo attribute (options.$akeneoAttributeCode) on a given property path (options.$propertyPath) of both product and product variant. It automatically converts it to the default unit of measurement or the one specified (options.$akeneoUnitMeasurementCode).
  • Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\ValueHandler\ProductOptionValueHandler (type product_option): it sets the value found on a given Akeneo attribute as a Sylius product option value on the product variant.
  • Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\ValueHandler\TranslatablePropertyValueHandler (type translatable_property): using the Symfony’s Property Access component, it sets the value found on a given Akeneo attribute (options.$akeneoAttributeCode) on a given property path (options.$translationPropertyPath) of both product and product variant translations.

To add a custom value handler to the resolver you can implement your own by implementing the Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\ValueHandlerInterface and then tag it with the webgriffe_sylius_akeneo.product.value_handler tag:

# config/services.yaml

    class: App\MyCustomValueHandler
        - { name: 'webgriffe_sylius_akeneo.product.value_handler', priority: 42 }

Product models importer

Another provided importer is the product models importer (Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\ProductModel\Importer). This importer imports the Akeneo product models to the corresponding Sylius products and product variants. Basically, it dispatch an ItemImport message for each product, on Akeneo, belonging to the product model. So it uses the same logic of the product importer described above.

Product associations importer

Another provided importer is the product associations importer (Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\ProductAssociations\Importer). This importer imports the Akeneo products associations to the corresponding Sylius products associations. The association types must already exist on Sylius with the same code they have on Akeneo.

Attribute options importer

Another provided importer is the attribute options importer (\Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\AttributeOptions\Importer). This importer imports the Akeneo simple select and multi select attributes options into Sylius select attributes. The select attributes must already exist on Sylius with the same code they have on Akeneo.

Customize which Akeneo products to import

Customize Akeneo products to import from the command

Each built-in importer described above implements a getIdentiferModifiedSince() method. This method is used to identify which Akeneo entity identifiers should be imported or reconciled when the corresponding CLI commands run. By default, those methods return all the Akeneo identifiers of entities modified since the given date. But maybe you want to only import a subset of those Akeneo entities.

For example, you might want to only import Akeneo products that have a not-empty family and a completeness of 100% for the ecommerce Akeneo channel. To do so you can define an event listener or subscriber for the Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\Event\IdentifiersModifiedSinceSearchBuilderBuiltEvent event and add the corresponding filters to the SearchBuilder object:

// src/EventSubscriber/IdentifiersModifiedSinceSearchBuilderBuiltEventSubscriber.php

namespace App\EventSubscriber;

use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\Event\IdentifiersModifiedSinceSearchBuilderBuiltEvent;
use Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\Product\Importer as ProductImporter;
use Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\ProductAssociations\Importer as ProductAssociationsImporter;

final class IdentifiersModifiedSinceSearchBuilderBuiltEventSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
    public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
        return [
            IdentifiersModifiedSinceSearchBuilderBuiltEvent::class => 'onIdentifiersModifiedSinceSearchBuilderBuilt',
    public function onIdentifiersModifiedSinceSearchBuilderBuilt(IdentifiersModifiedSinceSearchBuilderBuiltEvent $event): void
        if (!$event->getImporter() instanceof ProductImporter &&
            !$event->getImporter() instanceof ProductAssociationsImporter) {

        $searchBuilder = $event->getSearchBuilder();
        $searchBuilder->addFilter('family', 'NOT EMPTY');
        $searchBuilder->addFilter('completeness', '=', 100, ['scope' => 'ecommerce']);

Customize Akeneo products to import from the webhook

By default, the webhook is configured to import all the Akeneo products and product model that have been created or updated on Akeneo. But maybe you want to only import a subset of those Akeneo entities. In this case you can define an event listener or subscriber for the Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\Event\AkeneoProductChangedEvent event and change the value of the property ignorable of the event based on given product:

// src/EventSubscriber/AkeneoProductChangedEventSubscriber.php

namespace App\EventSubscriber;

use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\Event\AkeneoProductChangedEvent;

final class AkeneoProductChangedEventSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
    public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
        return [
            AkeneoProductChangedEvent::class => 'onAkeneoProductChanged',
    public function onAkeneoProductChanged(AkeneoProductChangedEvent $event): void
        $akeneoProduct = $event->getAkeneoProduct();
        if ($akeneoProduct['family'] === null) {

The same can be applied to the Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\Event\AkeneoProductModelChangedEvent event.