
  1. Run
     composer require webgriffe/sylius-akeneo-plugin akeneo/api-php-client
  2. Add Webgriffe\SyliusAkeneoPlugin\WebgriffeSyliusAkeneoPlugin::class => ['all' => true] to your config/bundles.php.

  3. Add basic plugin configuration by creating the config/packages/webgriffe_sylius_akeneo_plugin.yaml file with the following content:
         - { resource: "@WebgriffeSyliusAkeneoPlugin/config/config.yaml" }
  4. Import the routes needed for the plugin by adding the following to your config/routes.yaml file:
         resource: "@WebgriffeSyliusAkeneoPlugin/config/admin_routing.yaml"
         prefix: '/%sylius_admin.path_name%'
  5. If you use Doctrine you should run a diff of your Doctrine’s schema and then run the migration generated:
     bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
     bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
  6. Finish the installation by installing assets:
     bin/console assets:install
     bin/console sylius:theme:assets:install
  7. Optional. If you want you can also add the Import from Akeneo PIM button in the product’s detail and edit page. Override Sylius template by create a new file in the folder: templates/bundles/SyliusAdminBundle/Product/_showInShopButton.html.twig. Copy the content from the original Sylius file and paste it in the new file. Finally, add the button to the bottom of the file.
         # ...
         <a class="ui labeled icon button violet" href="{{ path('webgriffe_sylius_akeneo_product_import', {'productId': }) }}">
             <i class="icon cloud download"></i>  
             {{ 'webgriffe_sylius_akeneo.ui.import'|trans }}
  8. Optional (usually only on production or pre-production environments). Install the suggested crontab.